Because I love my cat

{ Thursday, May 15, 2008 }

Because I love my cat and because the futon from which she supervises me is covered with file folders, I am writing only a short note tonight.

This, too, is required in the life of a writer/self-publisher. I'm re-organizing my filing system to make room for new projects. It's a mess. I hate throwing things away. I'm not very good at deciding where to put them, either. I'll stare at some random piece of paper for ten minutes before I put it in a different "decide later" pile.

One might say it's inefficient. So I'm making new and better spaces that make more sense for my work.

My office is a heaving rockslide of file folders, as poor Daisy discovered a little too dramatically.

Here she is. She's not a cuddler, but wow, can she supervise. If I stop typing, she yells at me. If I'm typing after 11 pm, she yells at me. Because she's more interesting than filing, I give you -- Daisy the cat!

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