It's Hospital Hill Week

{ Monday, June 2, 2008 }

Hey! It's Hospital Hill week! Because I can hardly think about anything else, guess what this week's posts will all be related to. I can't believe it's almost here. Do you hear it? This is the excitement of the chubby girl who believed it when her coach told her she shouldn't try to run.

This is the fist-pump of the woman who ran anyway -- who didn't let the number on the scale say she couldn't, who didn't let the number on the birth certificate say she couldn't, who didn't let the slow pace on the stopwatch say she couldn't. You know what, numbers? I'M DOING THIS.

Have a look again at the pics. Here's what Hospital Hill looks like. And I don't know if I can make it to the top. But I've gotten an awful long way so far not knowing whether I can do things, and going ahead and doing them.

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